Kira Grogg · this is what i do

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Make your own kindle screensaver

Making your own screensaver (or wallpaper) for the kindle is really easy. Or just add some of mine to your collection.

See the instructions page for how to hack the kindle to allow you to add new screen savers.

First remember, unless you have the Kindle Fire, the images will be black and white! Personally, I think high contrast images with sharp edges look the best.
For the Kindle 3, the screen is 600x800 pixels, for DX it is 824x1200 pixels, for the Paperwhite it is 768×1024 pixels.
Images should be saved as 8-bit grayscale, either jpg or png. Note: Images with fine gradients will not translate very well to the 8-bit format.
It is best not include any transparency, it creates strange overlaps with the previous wallpaper. Unless you like that sort of thing.

I like to use a fancier image editor, such as Photoshop or Gimp or Pixelmator, but if you are starting from an existing image, that is probably overkill. You can either resize the image to the correct dimensions (might cause distortions), and/or crop as necessary. Judicious cropping can actually create some pretty cool effects. If you are starting from scratch, make your canvas the correct size to begin with (duh).

To get you started, here is an ultra minimalist screen saver: