About Me
February 2024 I started a position as a Research Scientist at the Yale PET Center within the Yale School of Medicine.
I started learning html, css, and php after volunteering to update my lab's webpage to the 21st century, and am extending my knowledge of databases and javascript.
In 2005 I graduated from Carleton College with a B.A. in Physics and Astronomy. My senior thesis was on the physics of wind turbines. I was lucky to have a wonderful set of professors, not just in physics, but all my courses.
In August 2011 I earned a Ph.D. in Experimental High Energy Particle Physics (HEP) from the University of Wisconsin. During graduate school I worked on the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), colliding protons together at energies of 7 TeV. I spent 3.5 years at CERN in Meyrin, Switzerland conducting particle physics research and helping maintain the CMS experiment. My resulting thesis work was entitled Jets produced in association with W-bosons in CMS at the LHC.
After finishing my dissertation I took a position as a research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), still playing with protons, but at a much lower energy level (~100 MeV). I am contributing to the development of a novel approach for adaptive Positron Emission Tomography (PET) monitoring of Proton Beam Therapy using endogenously generated positrons. It is important but difficult to verify the delivery of dose for proton therapy, and PET is currently the best option for monitoring dose delivery in vivo. Therapeutic protons create positron-emitting radionuclides that can be imaged with a PET camera. The radionuclides arise as a seconary effect and through different physics mechanisms than the dose and are thus not directly relatable. We are investigating methods for relating the PET images to planned dose and assessing the accuracy of the treatment.
I was also responsible for clincial physics quality control in Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Cardiology, and PET at MGH.
- Check out my Research and Resume pages for more information about my work.
- Check out my Interests page for the other things that I do.
- Check out my Blog for random updates if I ever get around to it.
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All opinions on this site are my own and not those of the Yale School of Medcine.